Monday, September 13, 2021

A Complete Guide On Oneassist Laptop Insurance

oneassist laptop insurance

Oneassist has two types of insurance plans for laptops. This is a complete guide on oneassist laptop insurance.

Oneassist Plans For Laptops:

  1. Laptop Total Damage Protection Plan.
  2. Extended Warranty Plan.

What To Choose Between Oneassist Total Damage and Extended Warranty Plans?

An extended warranty provides all the manufacturing defects, while Total damage protection offers all the types of damages like accidental and liquid damage and other manufacturing defects.

If you can keep your laptop safely, there is no use for total damage protection, so go with an extended warranty. 

And my opinion is just going with an extended warranty because most of the time there are manufacturing defects. If you can, keep your laptop safe, then go with damage protection.

How to Buy Oneassist Laptop Insurance Plan:

Purchasing via Oneassist:

  1. Go to Oneassist official website.
  2. Select "Gadget & Electronics".
  3. On the drop-down, you will see "Laptop Protection" click on it.
    steps to buy oneassist laptop protection

  4. Here you need to enter the Purchase date, amount of the laptop and model.
  5. Click on "See Best Plans". You will see an Extended warranty and damage protection plan on the screen.
  6. Click on "Buy Now" after selecting your plan.
  7. Pay the amount, and you will receive the details by email.
  8. You will have 6 months to purchase an extended warranty plan after the purchase of a laptop.
  9. The damage protection plan needs to be purchased within 30 days after the purchase of a laptop.
  10. Before purchasing, contact oneassist via the chat option on the website or via call. Oneassist may give a discount on the plan.

Purchasing Via Amazon:

  1. Just go to amazon.
  2. Search for the Oneassist extended warranty or laptop protection.

  3. Now select the plan based on your product price.
  4. Just buy the plan, and you will receive the voucher and activation details in your email.

How to Activate Oneassist Laptop Insurance?

  1. After the purchase, you will receive a link on email or certificate of program.
  2. Click on the link, and you will be asked to enter the details of the laptop and invoice.
  3. After submitting the details, the plan will be activated.

How to Claim Oneassist Laptop Insurance?

  1. You have to intimate or inform within 48 hours of the incident.
  2. Call Customer care or login to Oneassist.
  3. Provide the documents and information about the issue.
  4. After the approval, you have to pay 10% of the invoice value, which means the laptop's purchase value, or you need to pay 1500rs, whichever is higher.
  5. Pickup & Drop is scheduled for your product, and it will be repaired within 10 days.
  6. You will have 2 claims for the plan.
  7. If the product repair is is expensive, more than 80% of the product value, a replacement is given, or reimbursement is transferred to the bank after depreciation.
  8. Depreciation means the amount is decreased on the age of the product after the purchase. Below is the table of depreciation of total damage protection.
  9. Age of the Insured Gadget Depreciation %
    Up to 6 months15%
    6 months to 12 months25%
    12 months to 18 months 35%
    Above 18 months45%

  10. Below is the table for depreciation of extended warranty.
    Age of the Insured gadget Depreciation%
    1st Year15%
    2nd Year 30%

This is a complete guide on oneassist laptop insurance.

You may also share your experience with oneassist in the comments below.

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